Any thoughts on how to handle external critics?

I recognize we are all our own worst critics. But for all the words and advice about how to handler external criticism, trolls, etc., it still hurts. For any kind words I heard as a doctor, or positive reviews of the book – all it took was one upset person to erase anything positive.

Some of the advice I have heard that helps: 1) don’t read reviews.  I don’t and it helps. But sometimes, in certain fields, like healthcare, or I imagine customer-centric workspaces, receiving and responding to reviews, feedback or complaints, is part of the service, so it is not acceptable to ignore. 2) Recognize that you cannot please everyone…and if you did, you might have created something unremarkable. You find your niche, they find you, and most likely, an equal amount of people will not connect to, or get your work, and that’s ok, it’s not for them. 

Any other good tips, tools, advice that have worked to handle criticism in a positive manner?